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PlaceMaker is a plugin that allows you to set up an urban area with 3D buildings, roads, paths, trees and water in no time. In addition, it is possible to import the underlying aerial photo so that you can get a picture of the area.

    • Importing high-resolution aerial photos into SketchUp for Desktop
      One of PlaceMaker's most popular features is its high-resolution aerial photos. PlaceMaker uses Nearmap, Bluesky Hexagon and Mapbox. With these, the largest cities can be imported as your own neighborhood.

    placemaker luchtfoto

    • Import of 3D buildings, roads trees and water, among others (credits)
      With OpenStreetMap you import 3D buildings, parametric 3D roads and paths, railroad lines, water features and trees. This will save you not hours, but days of creating 3D cities.


    • Import of 3D Terrain
      With PlaceMaker, you import high-quality terrain models of almost any location in the world. This ensures high accuracy of the representation of your location.

    placemaker terrain